Whois Checker

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About Whois Checker

Do you have your eye on a particular domain that’s already owned, but lying dormant? Would you like to know how to find that specific individual so you can negotiate a sale? Maybe you have no idea where to begin? Don’t worry — Name.com allows you to perform a Whois lookup that can provide the answers you need to get started on securing the TLD you want for your business. The Whois database can provide you with details such as a domain’s current owner, its availability and its expiration date. With Whois info, you’ll be able to check who owns a domain, find the domains that are right for you, and get one step closer to securing them.

Information you can find with Whois includes:

  • Who or what entity owns or manages a specific domain name
  • Basic contact information about the owner, including name, phone number, and mailing address
  • ICANN official domain name registration and ownership

If the domain you want has already been taken, Name.com’s domain name search page can help you find other available options that are ready for purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Whois?

The International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) requires the collection of data whenever a domain is registered. This Whois info includes up-to-date personal contact information for every registrar, such as names, email addresses, physical addresses, phone numbers and IP addresses. All of this information is collected into a single database.

How does the Whois lookup tool work?

When used for a domain registration lookup, all you need to do is type the desired domain name into the search bar. If it is already registered, you will be able to view any public information about the registrar through your Whois domain lookup. If not, you’re free to use Name.com’s services to make it your own, build your website, integrate your business email and more. We give you all the tools you need to make the most of your new domain.

How do you update your Whois info for a domain you already own?

Typically, this is handled by your domain registrar through some type of profile or dashboard. Most domain providers require annual Whois information updates and notify the domain’s owners.